Chatham Light - Chatham, MA
The next light or "lights"were the Three Sisters Lighthouses only 1/3 mile away from the Nauset Lighthouse. We walked to the Three Sisters first. All 4 of these lighthouses have been moved from their original locations due to erosion, the Three Sisters were the original lights and Nauset Light was brought from Chatham later to replace them. The Three Sisters were moved back and spaced out just as they originally were.
This place was beautiful. We didn't get to this beach, but Joe did go up a "closed" path to take a peek at the ocean while I stayed in the car and discovered a tick on me! From the cliff there was a huge drop off to the beach below. In their previous locations, all 4 lighthouses would have fallen off the edge.
Highland Light - Truro, MA
We only had time to make it to one more light. We hit Highland Light the northern most light on the east side of the Cape. We actually took a tour of this one and went up to the top.
Looking up the staircase from the bottom
This is us at the top of the lighthouse. The tour man said that exactly behind us is the sunken Titanic, and Spain.
Joe out at the observation deck overlooking the ocean.
This one to me was the most beautiful and the perfect end to the day.