October 31, 2008


Here they are in the morning, before school.
I got them all ready for the school Halloween Parade. This is out front of the school, waiting in line to go into class.
Beau during the parade.
His hair is hairsprayed up like ears since he couldn't wear a mask to school.
Classic Jada moment. (I'm mellllting, I'm meelllllting!)
Jarek during the parade, heading back to class.
Very cute pictures of Jada.
Beau "being" Batman.

Jarek in class...
I loved how the carpet in his classroom was so very Joker-like.
Jada with her green witch hair before going trick or treating.
She seems so grown up!The kids all had a great time trick or treating, Jada even got out there and went to quite a few more houses that I thought she would. She didn't even want me to carry her between houses, even though the boys were running two houses ahead most of the time. Tristan came trick or treating with the kids, they had tons of fun together.This was one of my favorite decorated houses.I think we all felt like this on the way home.

Happy Halloween!


Leah said...

They look SO cute!

Shel and Aaron said...

The kids look soo cute!! Jada looks soo grown up! I love her costume! But my favorite is the "melting pic", it reminds me of her haircut! ;)

Cara said...

Those costumes are great....especially Joker! I love the melting picture since we deal with that numerous times throughout the day.