Okay, so honestly, our boys have been more into video games, than learning to ride a bike without training wheels. We live on a busier street than we originally thought when we built our house here, so letting my kids play out front is my least favorite option. They have been showing a little more interest recently, so Joe has kind of been having them try to coast down the driveway, balancing and stuff. Jarek usually gets frustrated first, as he did yesterday, so he went inside.

Beau stayed outside and kept trying. With Joe holding on he went down the length of our block and they came back. He was doing so well that Joe decided to let go, and Beau didn't notice. He did it all by himself for at least the length of one property! I was so excited for him, I started to run towards him, and he ran towards me and when he got to me I just picked him and hugged him and got teary eyed. He had the most genuine smile on his face, pure excitement. I ran in to get the camera and yelled down to Jarek to let him know that Beau had just done it. He came out, with more interest. We were out there until after dark. It is amazing what a few hours can do. One minute they could care less, a few hours later and they are HOOKED. It was so hard trying to get them to come inside.
The next morning, they were up

and ready to go out again, bright and early. They both improved even more with the ability to see in the daylight. It was so much fun seeing them concentrate so hard.
Things we learned:
Wear shoes
Go fast enough
We are in the middle of killing our grass, tearing out a tree, adding sprinkler heads, so we were out in the yard all day.
A little dirt never hurt
Jarek can now get going and ride up and down the street without any help. Beau just needs help getting started, and is even starting to get the hang of that now. You can see the confidence that it has given each one of them. Jarek never seemed bothered before about not being able to do it, but he just keeps saying "I can't belive I can ride a bike now." I told him that if his teacher asks what he did on summer vacation, he can say "I learned to ride a bike". He told me that would be "awkward", since most kids know how already. 
Jada's baby also learned how to drive the Corvette ;)
Here's are a few clips from the biffs and successes of the day!
How did you get them to learn I Kolb and brooklyn both tried it once and they fell so they will not get back on. I thoght saturday was fun too. ithink we need to do it more often
It has taken a lot of time. This is why Jarek is barely learning at 7. Beau is very determined.. once he gets close at all he is almost OCD until he gets it. With Jarek, once he knew it was possible (Beau had done it) he had the confidence to do it. Beau isn't afraid of falling, he bails really well. Jarek just kind of goes down with the bike, so I think the fact that Beau isn't afraid of falling is helping him out.
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