Today we had a friend party for beau.. all boys. Very loud, very crazy, very fun! He invited all his close friends from class.

He had a Hulk party, so we started out with balloons tied to everyones ankles, and they all ran around trying to "Hulk Smash" everyone elses balloons. Jarek won.. he's the biggest so that's not suprising.

They then got to try to hit a bullseye with a sticky party favor.

After that they made some little snowmen out of marshmallows and graham crackers.

To add to the sugar rush, they then ate some frosting stacked cupcakes followed by presents.

While waiting for parents Joe got out the gymnastics mat and they kids went wild.

It was a great party. The family party was later, where he got a few Wii games, including the one he asked for a million times, Star Wars The Force.

Thanks everyone for coming and making it such a great day for him!
Happy Birthday Beau!
Happy birthday beau.
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