March 9, 2008

What's the emergency?

So while making lunch today, the pot of milk/water for our pasta over flowed and started smoking up the kitchen. I knew the smoke alarm was going to go off, but I had to get the mess cleaned up. I was opening windows, Joe was going to turn off the alarm. He put our code in and the alarm stopped, then started beeping a minute later, so he turned it off again. He ended up turning it off three times. We just go about our lunch, the phone rings and there is no one there. Normally, with a monitoring system, if you don't turn it off fast enough, they call to see if everything is okay, or if they should send help. Well, no one said anything, so I figured it was nothing. As we are eating lunch the doorbell rang. Joe got the door and it was a police officer! "Just cooking?" he asked. "Inside or outside?" :) We explained what happened. He said the big guys would be coming to check it out, and as soon as he said it a big yellow firetruck was parked outside our door. Then an amublance! Wow, good to know we're covered. They actually had the wrong address, so it's good our name and address are on our mailbox. We didn't think we were still being monitored, we thought it was only through our 6 month absence to Virginia, but apparently they are still doing the job, so we are going to call them up and make it all official.

When we came back inside Jarek said.. "It's a good thing it wasn't a real fire, our house would have been half burned up!" I guess he thought they were a little slow in getting there, but in reality it was only about 5 minutes!

I realized I should have taken a picture of the truck out front... by the time I thought about it they had already left... shoot!

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