August 23, 2008

Ahhh.. Saturday mornings

This morning when I woke up and walked down the hall, this is what I found.

It was a Kodak moment for me because I used to do this same thing when I was little. I'd lay down in the warm light that came in through our basement window. I thought it was so cute when I saw Beau doing the same thing in our kitchen. Then Jada came in and joined in the fun.


Jamie said...

That is so cute. That picture was just a picture of him on his birthday. He told me to put it on there.

Linda said...

That is the sweetest sight.

Jewel said...

I slept over at a friend of mine's house a lot and she had a full glass outer door that we would lay in front of in the mornings. It was nice and warm.
That was a cute moment to find him and the dog soaking in the sun.