August 27, 2008

Before the blood...

Today, before Beau's soccer game, they had their soccer pictures taken. I shot a group shot while they were all lined up, it was way cute that Beau got to hold the ball.

Near the end of the game, I saw Beau coming off the field toward me... they weren't calling for subs, and I noticed that he was trying not to cry. I told the guy that we needed to sub out, and by the time Beau got to me, blood was streaming out of both nostrils. I didn't have a diaperbag or anything with me, but some nice lady came up with a pack of tissues. The guy who was helping sub kids in came right over and took over. I was pretty clueless, I was just trying to have him bend over so he didn't get any on his shirt (they had turned their shirts inside out for the game since they were the home team, so his shirt was white), I know.. I shouldn't have been worried about the shirt. I wasn't too worried about the bloody nose, I figured they usually stop fairly quick. I did started worrying when the guy couldn't get it to stop bleeding, and he kept saying how bad it was and that it was one of the worst bloody noses he'd ever seen (probably not the best thing to be saying at the time, for Beau's sake, but I'm glad he was there to help). At one point he even thought he might have broken his nose, but that he would be howling in pain. He was just sitting there not saying anything, so I guess it's not broken. USEFUL FACT #1: The guy said he used to be a wrestler, and would get bloody noses all the time. They always used to stick a rolled up piece of tissue up the inside of the upper lip and it would always stop instantly! He was sure this would not fail, but it did. He kept bleeding for quite some time, then it finally stopped. He was such a trooper the entire time, never did start crying. We got some babywipes and got all the blood cleaned up while he laid down. After we got it completly stopped, all he said was.. "Did I kick the ball more times than Jarek?", I guess he's more of a competitor than a wuss :) He said he got hit with a ball in the face, ye-ouch! To look at him, you wouldn't even know it happened, no puffiness or bruising or anything, so far.

I didn't get any pictures, I had blood all over my hands during, and of course, there were more important things to worry about. I should have taken one after, of just his shirt.. because he did end up getting quite a bit on it. I called my mom to ask how to get the blood out, and she came right over with some (USEFUL FACT #2) hydrogen peroxide and it took it all out! Amazing, right before our eyes. I'm sure I should have known that, but I didn't.

Like the guy kept saying, "you're a tough kid" Beau!


Linda said...

Boys are strong, aren't they?! Way to go, Beau!

Shel and Aaron said...

Good for him! What a boy! :)

Jewel said...

Yeah, he is really tough.I think even though we know that the kids health and well being are first, Moms still worry about the laundry.