August 22, 2008

Tagged by Michelle...

8 things I am passionate about
1. my family
2. digital scrapbooking
3. friends
4. books
5. photos
6. blogging (preserving memories)
7. "thinking" about getting in shape ;)
8. being frugal

8 books I have read & enjoyed...
1. - 7. Harry Potter series. I have finally read them! I am so glad I finally did.
8. Twilight.. finishing Breaking Dawn, and I like it so far. Starting The Host next.

8 words / phrases I say often
1. Loves!
2. Goodnight honey(during the day)/Bye honey.. seems like all I get to say to Joe these days
3. Boys!
4. Mocha, get down!
5. Pretty Jada
6. We need to... (what I really mean is.. "honey, can you..?"
7. I'll start tomorrow
8. I'm just going to check my email

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Ensure my children are happy
2. Get in shape
3. Travel
4. Be debt free
5. Be as great of a grandma as my mom is to my kids
6. Further my education
7. Be "prepared"
8. ???

8 Things I Learned This Past Year
1. Friends are important
2. Little girls are very different from boys temperamentally
3. Reading is fun
4. Kids grow up way too fast
5. The little stresses don't matter very much
6. You have to take care of your lawn if you want it look nice :)
7. ???
8. ???

8 places I want to see
1. Italy
2. Scotland
3. Ireland
4. Hawaii
5. Australia
6. Caribbean
7. Scovil Bakery in Nauvoo (I'm a decendent of Lucius Scovil)
8. Church historical sites

8 things I miss
1. Good Saturday morning cartoons
2. Virginia
3. Teak (my dog when I was a little girl)
4. Sleeping in
5. 2am Taco Bell/Subway runs with friends
6. Me and Joe time
7. My first car
8. My kids being sweet little newborn babies

8 things I currently want/need
1. Sod
2. More hours in a day
3. For Joe to have some days off
4. A housekeeper
5. A good job from home
6. A strong/healthy body
7. Relaxing days
8. An ottoman for my basement :)

8 People I Want To Tag
I don't think 8 people even read my blog.. so anyone reading is tagged :)


Shel and Aaron said...

We need to...
is what I always say. I am a real go getter :)

Jewel said...

I also liked the "We need to..." way of getting projects done around the house.